Dr. Matej Stančík, Dr. Marián Mokáň Dr. SCFRCP Edin
Aims: To test the relation between FGF21 and stable coronary artery disease and to test the FGF21 in the role of a marker for the presence of hemodynamically significant coronary artery stenosis.
Methods and Results: 203 subjects were divided into subgroups based on the presence of stable coronary artery disease and hemodynamically significant coronary artery stenosis. FGF21 was measured prior coronary angiography was performed. Mean FGF21 concentration was higher (t (201) = 2,082; p = 0,039) in stable coronary artery disease patients (323,16±434,66 pg/ml), than among healthy controls (266,46±417,13 pg/ml). Hierarchical regression was performed to test the FGF21 as a marker of the hemodynamically significant coronary artery stenosis. The contribution of FGF21 to the model accuracy was statistically significant (x2(4) = 25,606; p< 0,001; n = 123; R2 = 0,251; OR Log10 FGF21 = 2,366). However, moderation interaction of smoking to FGF21 - HSCS relation was identified. Adjustment for smoking substantially improved the predictive capacity of the regression model and FGF21 became a significant contributor in the dependent´s prediction (x2(3) = 30,778; p< 0,001; n = 81; R2 = 0,425; OR Log10 FGF21 = 7,013).
Conclusions: FGF21 is a clinically useful marker of hemodynamically significant coronary artery stenosis only among non – smoking stable coronary artery disease patients. FGF21 cannot be used as a marker of stable coronary artery disease in general population.
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