S. No. | Title and Authors Name |
1 |
Demographic and Laboratory characteristics variations among snake envenomation patients- An Institutional study
Harsha Teja Perla, Samuel G Hansdak
Int. J. Cardiol. Res., 2021; 3(1): 01-08
2 |
Coexistent atherosclerotic renal artery and lower limb peripheral artery disease in patients with symptomatic triple vessel coronary artery disease
Prashant R Mishra, Shireesh P Sathe
Int. J. Cardiol. Res., 2021; 3(1): 09-14
3 |
Sigma goals of heart failure management
Jay Shah, Ritankur Barkotoky, R Sivakumar
Int. J. Cardiol. Res., 2021; 3(1): 15-23
4 |
Medical therapy post revascularization in chronic stable angina patients–OPTA approach
Prabhat Kumar, BB Bharti, Neeraj Bhalla, GS Gupta, Dhiren Shah, Bharat Shivdasani, K Chockalingam, SS Lakshmanan
Int. J. Cardiol. Res., 2021; 3(1): 24-31
5 |
Consensus statement on evolving terminology in angina and its impact on Indian clinical practice
A George Koshy, Jagdish Hiremath, K P Suresh Kumar, Sameer Shrivastava, Arindam Pande, S Manoj
Int. J. Cardiol. Res., 2021; 3(1): 32-39